Game localization
into Polish language

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Want to localize your game into Polish?

Polish language users around the world

Polish is a West Slavic language. It is spoken primarily in Poland and serves as the native language of around 45 million people around the world. It is also used by the Polish diaspora, serving as well as a second language for around another five million people. Polish is ranked as the sixth most spoken language among the European Union languages.

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Polish as a language

Polish was profoundly influenced by Latin and by some German languages, which contributed to a large number of loanwords and similar grammatical structures. Among current languages it is closely related to Slovak and Czech but differs in terms of pronunciation and general grammar.

gaming platform is also important regarding game localization

Polish in game localization

There are some factors that must be considered when localizing a game to Polish. First of all are the longer translations. String length could become problematic in that sense. In English-Polish game localization, the strings tend to be longer than the source text. Secondly, we have as in many other languages, some sensitive topics that should be addressed carefully. Polish audience might be a bit more sensitive than other European target groups when it comes to religion, LGBT topics, post-WWII history. However, it will depend more on the game’s target group, the genre and the general construct of the game. And lastly, be careful with some non-translated words. Some English words have managed to find their way into Polish language and function well without any translation. For example, when dealing with proper names in a “real world” scenario.

revenue in gaming buisness

Revenue and number of players
in the Polish language market

Poland ranks among the top 25 gaming countries. With data from 2020, the Polish gaming industry was worth around $550 million and amounted for 16 million gamers. The average revenue per user was $29.64. It can be said that the Polish video game market has grown sharply in previous years, and it will keep thriving in the next five years as well. It is also essential to mention that Poland counts with several well-known development studios such as CD Projekt Red or Playway to name a few. It is expected to become the largest development hub in Central and Western Europe. It has a lot of growth potential still and it can be a really fruitful market for video games.

When it comes to video game genres, according to ICTmarket’s experts, a third of Polish gamers purchase PC games while around 25 percent gamers are mobile-game players. Also, PC users prefer shooting (FPS), actions, and adventure games. The same to them, console players favor sport, adventure, and action games. The most active users in Poland are mobile gamers, which makes sense given how frequently individuals interact with their phones throughout the day.

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Some interesting facts
about the Polish speaking game market

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