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Interesting facts about Hungarian

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into Hungarian?

Hungarian users around the world

Around 17 million people speak Hungarian worldwide, out of which about 13 million are native speakers and 9.8 million live in Hungary.

Hungarian man

Hungarian as a language

Hungarian is the largest Uralic language and it is spoken in Hungary and parts of several neighboring countries. In southern Slovakia, western Ukraine (Subcarpathia), central and western Romania (Transylvania), northern Serbia (Vojvodina), northern Croatia, northeastern Slovenia (Prekmurje), and eastern Austria (Burgenland).

gaming platform is also important regarding game localization

Hungarian in game localization

Even though the Hungarian-speaking population is relatively small, Hungary and its neighboring regions are a market worth exploiting. In fact, many popular games have been localized into Hungarian. For example: the The Witcher series, the Assassin’s Creed series, Grand Theft Auto V, FIFA, Call of Duty, League of Legends and more.


On Steam, Hungarian is the 18th most used language as of February 2023. This is 0.32% of its users. Keep in mind that Steam had 132 million monthly active users in 2021, and it had a peak of 33.2 million concurrent users in January 2023.


According to the EF English Proficiency Index, Hungary ranks 18th out of 111 countries, with a “high” proficiency level. While some Hungarian players may prefer to play games in their native language, many Hungarians are also comfortable playing games in English. This is partly due to the fact that many games are not translated into Hungarian. However, there is a growing trend among game developers to translate their games into this language. This can be seen in the availability of Hungarian-language game content on platforms like Steam and other digital storefronts.

revenue in gaming buisness

Revenue and number of players
in the countries that use Hungarian

According to estimations by Statista, video game revenue in Hungary will amount to $113.9 million. Besides, revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 7.66%, resulting in a projected market volume of $153 million by 2027.

As reported by the same data set, the number of gamers is expected to amount to 4.45 million by 2027. Market penetration will reach 41.2% in 2023 and is expected to hit 47.1% by 2027. And the average revenue per user (ARPU) is projected to be $28.88 in 2023.

The largest segment will be mobile games with a market volume of $57.4 million in 2023. According to eNET’s 2017 video game study, 70% of the people who had a smartphone reported playing games on their devices. On the opposite extreme, only one in ten Hungarian gamers reported owning some kind of console. Also, one in ten Hungarian gamers was planning to purchase a console in 2018, but it is unknown to what extent these two groups overlapped.

interesting fcts about gaming buisness

Some interesting facts
about the Hungarian game market

Localization Hungarian


per word

Proofreading Hungarian


per word

Beta Testing Hungarian


per hour

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